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557 Clips - 351.6K views

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Thundering Affix

Thundering Affix

dorkiWorld of Warcraft


dorkiWorld of Warcraft
New Tornadoes

New Tornadoes

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Plagueborer Bombing

Plagueborer Bombing

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Insane bear tech

Insane bear tech

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
payphone classes

payphone classes

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
court of stars start hack

court of stars start hack

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
First unholy kill

First unholy kill

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Achievement Spear

Achievement Spear

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Macro world marker

Macro world marker

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
10 Stacks of the Buff

10 Stacks of the Buff

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Fyrakk M Kill

Fyrakk M Kill

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Dorki being toxic to hes teammates.exe

Dorki being toxic to hes teammates.exe

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
leather shoulders

leather shoulders

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Hunter MM balanced

Hunter MM balanced

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
healers amirite

healers amirite

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Growl and Volcanic

Growl and Volcanic

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Feral vs Warlock defensives

Feral vs Warlock defensives

dorkiWorld of Warcraft


dorkiWorld of Warcraft
jajjaja darkness xD

jajjaja darkness xD

dorkiWorld of Warcraft


dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Amarth doesn't give a f**k about reset zones

Amarth doesn't give a f**k about reset zones

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
brew monk DF

brew monk DF

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
Give rogue bl and br ,e

Give rogue bl and br ,e

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
fly me to the moon

fly me to the moon

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
streets strat

streets strat

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
pull through wall?

pull through wall?

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
only trust yourself

only trust yourself

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
does the bear stream? - Amarth Snap

does the bear stream? - Amarth Snap

dorkiWorld of Warcraft
fire mage and guardian druid btw

fire mage and guardian druid btw

dorkiWorld of Warcraft